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Saturday, July 5, 2008

RIP Bozo


As a child I would wake up at 5am (why is that mom and dad?) to watch Thundercats and The Bozo Show. Both on WGN. While it was cool to talk about your love for the Thundercats in recent years, revisiting the Bozo Show never really caught on among my peers.

Bozo's Grand Prize Game was simply one of the greatest non-nickelodeon games on television.

Needless to say, my 4th of July was bittersweet as I caught the news of Bozo the Clown's (Larry Harmon) death.

Larry, I hope you are in heaven eating a big box of Archway Cookies riding your schwinn to your all expenses paid week at Disneyland.

Yes, there is Disneyland in heaven.

(Weekend challenge: Can anyone find a video of the Grand Prize Game?)

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Jordan Lane Shappell said...

you remember waking up next to our 9 inch sony tv, sprawled out on our batman or baseball sheets at dad's, maybe reclining on an orange blow up couch and watching awkward and terribly unskilled children throw ping pong balls into buckets? i do.

Barb said...

Sorry to hear about Bozo! I think Candy Grandma first got you hooked on Bozo and the grand prize game. We actually played that at your six year old birthday party in our basement.
It's sad to see all your childhood heroes go--first Walter Payton (whose hair you wanted), then Mr. Rogers, and now . . .Bozo.
Scott's a big Bozo fan too--I'll break the news gently.

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