In just over two months Taryn and I will be without housing. As mentioned previously, after she graduates we lose our subsidized student housing and will be in need of a new home. That is much of what fueled the previous conversation about locatedness.
While the deadline is certainly real, the real blessing as of late has been the gift of patience. No one who knows Taryn or I would described us as patient people, but this process has demanded that we release our need for control. It has invited us to a process of trust, lots of dialogue, and a posture of listening. While we have heard again and again, "it doesn't matter where you live, things will be great" or "just make a decision and God will follow"...we are not sure that we believe that. That generally feels hallow and lazy. We believe that place is important. That there is weight to where you find yourself. And while it may not be natural to be able to pick your locatedness, we are at that crossroads. We have been (and continue to be) formed by this process and challenged by the work of "sign reading". We would love to share all of the details of this process with you if we get a chance.
The city is still TBA, but we can say with confidence that we are going to join the 36 million others who live in the Golden State (do people really call it that?) There is a great deal of holy momentum in the direction of CA. And practically the sunshine, the proximity to family and friends, the culture of ideas, the camaraderie of dreamers, the food (Mozza!!), the diversity, the all sounds so good.
I imagine there will be unfolding words on this web space as we get closer to departure, but I wanted to put it out there now so that someone can finds us jobs! You think that's funny? Its not. Anyone want to hire us?
Thanks to all who have prayed for us, tossed us your opinion, and invited us to be formed in this decision making process. We have felt your support.
We are truly excited for this next chapter of life.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Locatedness: An Update and a Conclusion?
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We are most definitely excited on your behalf! California could be no better than with the Shappells as residents...
This is flipping rad!