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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

An Epic Lullaby


Taryn and I live in Morningside Heights. A couple white guys renamed this area "morningside heights" because they wanted Columbia students and their families to feel safe and removed from the culture and alleged threat of Harlem.

So truly Taryn and I live in Harlem. Last night, as we walked home, just three blocks from our home a spontaneous gathering of community members joined to celebrate the evening's results. There was drum beating. There were shouts. Honks. Shrieks. Parades. Tears. Even fireworks.

Last night I fell asleep to their chants.

Before I went to bed I would mute the TV and listen. It was surreal. An often objectified and ignored community with a unified voice of joy.

Last night I fell asleep to their chants.

You could actually hear their tears. Tears of celebration but also of memory. They remember all of those who have fought for a moment such as this. They did not forget the generations who worked and even bled for this dream...they chanted for them.

Last night I fell asleep to their chants.

I don't think they believed it could happen. Not just that an African-American could hold the world's most powerful office, but that they could impact change. The last chant I heard was "Yes we did!" It was the sound of liberation. The sound of disbelief. The sound of pride. Pride in their country and pride in themselves.

Last night I feel asleep to the chants of Harlem. An epic lullaby that I will never forget.

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