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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

On experiencing God...


"John of the Cross once said that the language of God is the experience God writes into our lives....God does not speak to us through seances, and the most important things that God wants to say to us are not given in extraordinary mystical visions. The God of the incarnation has real flesh on earth and speaks to us in the bread and butter of our lives, through things that have skin-historical circumstance, our families, our neighbors, our churches, and that borderline-psycotic friend who painfully reminds us that we are not God."

"If God is incarnate in ordinary life then we should seek God, first of all, within ordinary life. Too often, even though we know this theoretically, practically we still look for God in the extraordinary."

"The God who became flesh in order to he experienced by the ordinary senses, still has flesh and is primarily to be experienced through the ordinary"

Ronald Rolheiser - The Holy Longing

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